Extend The Life Of Your Favourite Shoes (On A Shoestring)
This is the first post in a new topic on Make Do And Mend. A movement started back in 1940s where wives and sweethearts would use cunning tips and unusual methods to extend the life of clothes, accessories, pantry contents and household items to get by during WWII rationing. I’ll be compiling those tips as and when I come across them. Here’s the first tip:
No cash for a cobbler? Try Blakey's segs
The obvious way to extend the life of shoes is to get them re-healed at a cobbler shop. But during tough times multiple trips to the cobbler can be an expensive endeavour. So how about prevention rather than cure?
Since 1902 folks have been using Blakey's shoe protectors (also known as Segs) to prolong the life of their shoes thus needing less visits to the cobbler and saving a few bob. Shoe protectors or segs are small cast malleable iron or rubber devices which fit to the base of your shoes.
Blakey's, the foremost producer of shoe protectors is a British brand founded over 100 years ago by Inventor John Blakey and to this day they still made in the UK and now sell through an online shop. Blakey's segs cost just a couple of pounds a pack, come in different sizes and shapes for different parts of the shoe and the use will depend on how you wear your shoes. To use position the seg and tap it gently into the sole with a hammer. Apparently they make a satisfying clack noise as you walk.
Inspired to give them a try? Do you already use segs? Tell us about it
Vintage Blakey’s rubber protectors for shoes