How To Use A 1940s "Speed weve" Darner
Spede Weve, Lancashire's smallest loom circa 1940s
Introducing Lancashire's Smallest Loom (at least it was in the 1940s), the "Speed Weve". Model one was released circa 1940s for darning socks and clothes to prolong your wardrobe during the war. It's a tool from the original 'make do and mend' movement. Our model comes with an additional filament for darning silk or linen. Buy it here [edit: sorry, this item has now sold].
Although I have seen a few of these wondrous little machines online it has occurred to me that they are rarely found with instructions.It so happens that the tiny loom I have in my shop does have instructions. So for all of you out there trying to fathom how to actually use it, wonder no longer and get darning! Here are the instructions...